Move from Manifesting Mess to Manifesting Miracles in 3 Easy steps- What Will You Create in 2017?


Manifestation can be a scary word.

It’s scary to know that whatever thoughts you are having are creating your focus. And whatever you are focusing on is what you will manifest.

In fact Law of Attraction guru Abraham Hicks says, ” hold a thought for just 17 seconds and the Law of Attraction kicks in. Hold a thought for 68 seconds and things move, manifestation has begun.”

Yikes! Scary, right?

So how do you learn to manifest in a powerful way to move yourself from manifesting mess to manifesting miracles?

Here are 3 easy three tips to move you towards manifesting miracles in your life and enjoy a magnificent 2017:


Having clarity gives you power. Without clarity your thoughts are scattered, unsure and hold no energy. With scattered thoughts you may end up going in circles and getting lost. Universal energy as well as your subconscious filters thrive with clarity.

Having clarity starts with desire. What are you wanting? Once you know exactly what you want and where you want to be, then you can have the clarity to move forwards with confident courage.

Tips to gaining clarity:

Create a silent reflective space for yourself. Close your eyes and ask yourself  What do I truly want?

Catch the first thought thought or image that presents itself.
(IMPORTANT: Do not let the negative mind interfere. This is crucial because as soon as you let the doubting mind in, it disturbs your clarity. This process of holding your first thought takes practice. So as you feel the negative thoughts creep in simply bring yourself back to your first thoughts. This mindfulness practice will train your brain to stay clear and positive).

Hold that first image for as long as you can, taking in all the details. The more you can visualize it, the more energy you create and the more clarity you will have.


Tenacity fuels your enthusiasm. Tenacity is persistence, determination, perseverance, passion and purpose.

When you are tenacious about what you want you have total certainty. And what better way to back your clarity than with certainty.

With certainty you stand by what you want and you stand your ground. You commit and you back yourself without letting your fear or other people’s opinions stand in your way.

Having tenacity means you have total belief in your clarity and the law of manifestation will follow what you ultimately believe in, not only what you desire.
Tips to tenacity:

Ask yourself: How can I  back myself?
What’s the most powerful belief I can focus on which demonstrates me backing myself?
Write out those beliefs and positive affirmations


Action action action. Without acting on your your clarity, your certainty will disappear very quickly and leave you feeling dis empowered, let down and annoyed with yourself. No action let’s the energy your tenacity has created die out. Every small step you take works towards your goal, brick by brick, tip-toeing slowly, will help you reach your desired clarity.

Tips to taking action:

Ask yourself
What are 3 steps I can take right away?
What is the first most important step I need to take?
Write out all your action steps in order.
Focus the next few days or weeks on your step, and let that step lead you to your next step and then your next step and so on.

Remember the journey of 1000 miles starts with one single step.

With these 3 steps of clarity, tenacity and action you are bound to have an amazing year!
So off you go, run, walk, tip toe, crawl, hop, skip or jump…just go! Take action! You are ready! Whooo hoooo

Come along to a powerful manifestation workshop, where you can put these steps into action and manifest a magnificent year for yourself find out more about The Manifest Your Goals Workshop 2017!

About the author: Cheryne Blom

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