What is envy trying to tell you?
We all know the Green-eyed monster called Envy. It roars a mighty rumble when we observe someone lavishing in something we want. For some reason, Facebook is the perfect playground for this inner gremlin, who suffers from compare-itous.
Its rumblings are tinged with a taste of self-pity and jealousy that sound something along the lines of:
Why can’t I have that?
Why do they have that and I don’t?
What’s wrong with me?
Why am I not worthy enough of that?
Why are they better than me?
Who do they think they are?
Blah … blah … blah…
This pity-party can disempower the strongest of warriors. It pulls us down leaving us feeling depressed, anxious or extremely frustrated.
But what if Envy had a positive intention?
What if those rumblings were more like a gentle nudge to fire us up?
If we ditched the pity-party, could Envy be trying to help us?
Is Envy trying to bring out the best in us?
When we let go of feeling sorry for ourselves we can begin to see that Envy is revealing what matters most to us. Envy highlights what we are deeply desiring. When we get stuck in our ‘story of limitations’ and get too busy in life, we forget to tune into what the heart is asking for. We lose sight of our values and get lost in the daily rut of trying to prove ourselves or survive.
Envy pokes us from within as a reminder.
I want a house
I want a better job
I want a better car
I want a loving relationship
I want a family
I want to travel
I want abundance
I want joy
I want friendships
I want success
I want happiness
I want love
Next time you recognize the echo of envy, lean into it. Tune into your feelings and listen to what your heart is asking for. Instead of resorting to self-pity, self-doubt or jealousy, stop and ask yourself some powerful questions:
What do I deeply desire?
For what reason is that important to me?
How would it make me feel to have ‘X’?
How can I make that happen? What is my plan?
With these empowering self-coaching questions you will begin to move away from the darkness of despair and move towards designing your life, your way. On your way to experiencing a greater level of truth and freedom.