Tips to Navigating Change & Embracing Uncertainty

The fear of change is one of our greatest fears. In fact, most people have such a great fear of uncertainty that they would rather stay in an unhappy situation than make a change.  The only change we welcome is the type that rolls around loosely in the bottom of our bags.

Certainty gives us calm. It gives us predictability and order. We know what to expect and can prepare ourselves accordingly. We definitely need a level of certainty to thrive.

However, one of the dangers with certainty is that it can become a comfort zone. If we get too comfortable in our zone, our growth can plateau and even begin to stagnate. Stagnation can make us feel stuck, and in stuck-ness, we can potentially miss out on reaching our full potential and ultimately our destiny.

Ray Kroc asks, “Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting?

Although change can be scary, when you take a leap of faith and trust in the process of transformation you allow yourself to organically grow through the cycles of your life with greater ease and less resistance.

Often we resist change because we are scared of the ramifications. The following thoughts keep us stuck in smallness:

What if I fail?
What if I succeed?
What if I upset others?
Am I relinquishing my responsibilities and obligations?
Will I let others down?
What if things change on their own?

Change is a concept I’ve had to master in my life as I’ve had a lot of it. I have lived in three different continents. I have left a couple of marriages. I have changed careers, changed houses and many friendships. I have learnt to flow with life, not question too much and embrace uncertainty and change because I know it will lead to my next level of growth.

What I have learnt is this:

 Change is a cleansing process

Nature brings change to prepare for new beginnings. A storm clears the path for new life to begin. This is the universe helping us clear out anything that is incongruent with our truth and reach greater alignment.

Change is necessary for our growth

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” ( Neale Donald Walsch) When we are challenged, we are forced to find new ways of being and therefore grow. This is where the magic happens- this is where we discover who we really are and what we are made of.

Change is simply the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next

“What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.” (Lao Tzu)  Imagine the caterpillar resisted its process of transformation? It would never know the life of a butterfly.  Change is part of the process of transformation. When we embrace change we open ourselves up to new opportunities and greater spiritual development.

We are constantly moving through cycles to learn life lessons

Our life moves in cycles, just as nature does. Every season brings its gifts and when you embrace the lesson of each cycle you evolve. When you ignore or miss the signs the cycles can repeat. Kabbalists refer to this as repetitive patterns of chaos. And the chaos (or pain) can often intensify until we listen.

The following 3 mindsets can help you navigate your way through the uncertainty of change:


Trust allows you to stay open and move forward despite the fear. Trust allows you to surrender (actively) and let go of any resistance or control. Trust keeps us curious, excited and ready.


Belief offers you the courage to believe in yourself and embrace the path before you. Belief pushes you out of your comfort zone and reminds you to recognize your inner strength and capabilities. With belief and courage, you can speak your truth, take risks and jump as high as you can.


With a Faith Mindset, you activate your inner wisdom and accept whatever comes your way. Faith reminds you that the Universe has your back and is ALWAYS conspiring for your growth.

With the mighty trinity of Trust Belief and Faith, you now have a navigation system to embrace uncertainty and change in an empowering and energetic way.

Whoo hoo 🙂

About the author: Cheryne Blom

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