The Hidden Lesson in Every Relationship

In her book, The Anatomy of the Spirit, Caroline Myss describes all relationships as Spiritual Messengers. She writes, “They bring into our lives- and we into theirs- revelations about our own strengths and weaknesses. From relationships within the home to those at work to community or political activity, no union is without spiritual value; each helps us grow as individuals.”

When we expand our awareness, we can see that every interaction with another person offers us lessons. Some are clearly visible and some may take a bit of digging to discover. And, although there are many lessons we can learn from people, I firmly believe that there is ONE lesson in particular relationships teach us. This is the lesson about our SELF-WORTH.

There are two types of people that help us awaken to our worth. One builds our self-worth in a healthy and joyful way and one breaks us in a more dark and painful way. I like to call these two types of messengers Charmers and Challengers:


Charmers are the beautiful people in our life who instantly see our worth. They build us. It is as if they are able to see our light.  Their purpose (Spiritual Message) is to remind us of what truly lies within us. These souls uplift us, compliment us, and build our spirit. They see our truth and genuinely want the best for us.

We instantly feel ease and comfort with Charmers. We feel confident, energised and safe with them. They make up our inner circle and give us the support, encouragement and nourishment we require to thrive.


Challengers offer us contrast and conflict. They are the people who break our heart and spirit. They hurt us, criticise us and push us to our limits. They press every button and generally cause the greatest stress and pain.

Usually, these souls leave us feeling depleted, defeated and sometimes destroyed. We question why we ever let them into our lives in the first place. We think they have been a waste of time and served no purpose in our lives.

So, how do these CHALLENGERS teach us about our Self-Worth? How do they act as Spiritual Messengers?

The pain we experience as a result of our relationships with them acts as a catalyst for our growth. These souls force as to ask: “Do I deserve to be treated this way? Do I not deserve more?”

These questions help awaken us to our truth. They help us see for ourselves who we are and what value can offer. As we grow, we begin to achieve more in our life. All as a result of them challenging us to our core. These souls could possibly be the best thing that ever happened to us!

As we increase our self-worth our net-worth increases. We begin to make better, more empowering decisions that help us activate our true purpose and potential.

So, who are your Charmers and who are your Challengers and how are they teaching you about your self-worth?

About the author: Cheryne Blom

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